Analysis of respondent's attitudes and habits about avoiding the use of toll roads in the Republic of Srpska

  • Milan Milinković PC „Republic of Srpska Motorways“, Banja Luka
Keywords: toll avoidance, toll price acceptability, motorway, two-line road


Past practice has shown that a number of users avoid toll roads for a number of reasons. The most common reason is reflected in the cost of toll. The aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes and habits of highway users regarding the avoidance of toll roads. The paper also deals with the preferences of users in terms of accepting the price of monthly and annual tickets. The research was confucted using the online survey method. The results show thet the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents have a significant impact on avoiding the use of the highway. The results of the analysis show that the benefits of using the highway in the form of monthly and annual tickets with an acceptable price increase the number of highway users, as well as the income of highway managers.


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How to Cite
Milinković, M. (2021). Analysis of respondent’s attitudes and habits about avoiding the use of toll roads in the Republic of Srpska. Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, 67(2), 61-68.