Agglomeration of Novi Sad Strategic Noise Maps

  • Dejan Todorović Dirigent Acoustic, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Milica Raičković Dirigent Acoustic, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tamara Vuković Dirigent Acoustic, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: strategic noise maps, agglomeration, environmental noise, noise control, CNOSSOS-EU


The local governing unit of the City of Novi Sad issued a public procurement in 2021 for the first strategic noise maps for the territory of the Novi Sad agglomeration. The strategic noise maps were methodologically and in terms of content realized in accordance with the local regulations of the Republic of Serbia that were in effect, as well as the Directive EU 2015/996 (CNOSSOS - EU:2015) and Directive 2002/49/EZ (better known as "European Noise Directive – END") guidelines. Road traffic was specifically analyzed due to it being the dominant noise source in the agglomeration. During the realization of the strategic noise maps a noise model for road traffic was created, with more than 3.000 road sections, where a road section is a part between two road junctions for the entire traffic infrastructure, with parameters for the acoustic model defined from point-to-point along the section. A part of the traffic data was gathered through the Traffic Study of Novi Sad 2029, which encompassed the Transportation Model of Novi Sad – NOSTRAM Model [1], the realization of which was planned as part of the development of General Plan of Novi Sad until 2029. The calculations encompassed more than 70.000 buildings with 147.618 living units and 320.346 inhabitants on a total area of 137,96 km2. This strategic document is the first step in noise management and environmental noise assessment, the data of which is used as the basis for action plans for environmental noise protection through which noise reduction measures are defined.


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How to Cite
Todorović, D., Raičković, M., & Vuković, T. (2023). Agglomeration of Novi Sad Strategic Noise Maps. Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, 69(2), 59-67.